Exhibition: Mayday! Eaarth
My series “Contemporary Icons of Threatened and Endangered Species” began in 2000 when I created an icon of the Earth as seen from space. In 2016, I created my first icon of a threatened species: the Honey Bee.
The series has grown and at present there are now twenty-two in the series. My aim is to create thirty-five icons by November, 2023. The images cover all the categories: fish, mammal, insect, plant, bird reptile and amphibian. My desire is to keep a balance of all the species so that all are represented equally.
A selection of sixteen icons are featured in the exhibition, Mayday! Eaarth on view from December 13, 2022 through December 17, 2022 at Ceres Gallery, 547 West 27th Street, Suite 201, in Manhattan.
A public event with Bill McKibben, Dr James Hansen (virtual) and author Geoff Dembicki will take place on Saturday Dec. 17, 3-5 pm. (in person)
“Is There a Climate Emergency?” Saturday, December 17, 2022. 3:00 to 5:00 pm (EST). Available on Zoom. Also, Instagram Live, m.annenberg. Meeting ID: 726 1717 6685. Passcode: P84RnR Link: